This is the first entry of my personal blog. I have other blogs,business and farm related but this one is going to be about my life. Life in the world of Laura Marie Conklin, Nielsen, Holbrook. It will be a place to share my life with family and friends, and if it's anything like a journal, will be good therapy and a good record of what is transpiring in my life. If my late mother, Joyce Davies Conklin Skilling had a blog, I would read and re-read it. If my great-great grandparents had one, I'd cherish it. Some day my children and grandchildren may feel the same.
There's so many good things to be said in favor of keeping a diary or journal. I began keeping a diary when I was in Kamala Elementary School, in Oxnard Calfornia in the 1950's. I'd write little notations of what went on in a day, then lock the little pink diary and keep the key hidden from anyone who might want to spy on my daily activities and private thoughts, mostly my older brother Dane.
I kept this diary until I was married and was visiting my home and sorting through all the things my mother had stored for me since I left home. She had notified me that she was done storing my belongings. Some how, in a moment of insanity, my pink diary got thrown out. I still miss it 35 years later!
I kept a journal of my trip to England when I was 15 years old and spent the summer with relatives, meeting my mother's side of the family for the first time, visiting her childhood home,school and neighborhoods and learning how she grew up and who she grew up with.
I've kept a regular, usually daily journal since I was a teenager. My journals preserves the memories of my youth, young adulthood, motherhood, marriage and divorce, 2nd marriage and my life as it goes on day by day.
This is going to be a good experience, it would be for anyone, keeping a journal is good for the soul, I'm expecting a blog to be the same. A journal promises to be one of your best friends. It's always there to listen, it never interrupts, it allows you time to learn and discover insights that are deep within and around you. I will continue to keep my personal journal at home, but this will be my blog to share.
I highly recommend keeping a journal to everyone and maybe as I explore life through this blog, I might come to recommend blogging too.
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